Sculptra Results*
Sculptra non-surgical butt lift results are subtle and build up over time. If you want a dramatic transformation right away, then this isn’t the best option. But because of its longevity and relative lack of side effects, Sculptra has become popular among cosmetic patients looking for subtle improvements on the butt and hips without going under the knife.
The precise number of injections needed differs per patient. Generally, we recommend a full treatment plan of ten vials for optimal and long-lasting results. During your initial consultation, an expert will let you know how many sessions you need to achieve your cosmetic goals.
It can take 3-6 months to see Sculptra’s effects manifest. But as with any aesthetic treatment, results vary per patient.* Get incredible results by selecting a reputable provider. Since a non-surgical butt lift is a skill-sensitive treatment, the spa you choose shapes your overall outcome and experience. Emana Medical is the leading Sculptra provider in Beverly Hills, CA.